I always thought I was relatively easygoing. There wasn’t ever much that would bother me. There are things people would say or things people would do that I wouldn’t like, but they still never managed to get under my skin. Even if there was anything that ever truly bothered me, I have always been too reserved to do anything about it. People could generally borrow my things and I wouldn’t mind at all. The choices they made and things they did with their time was their business so why would I let it bother me? That was before I came to college.
Now that I have a roommate things are completely different. I still feel like I am the same extremely tolerant person as before, but it just seems like now a days my patients run really short. There really isn’t a distinct reason as to why I should feel this way. There is nothing extremely bothering that my roommate has done or does that would make me feel this way, but I still do.
I know I am not the only person who feels this way either. Sure there are those people who come to college, get assigned their random roommate and on a great coincidence end up being best friends. There still is something though, about having your space drastically reduced and not having a place that is all your own. It made me realize how much I took for granted when I lived at home. Now I get mad or annoyed when she leaves her shoes by my bed, or eats some of my food, or turns on a movie that I don’t really want to watch. These trivial things get under my skin when they really shouldn’t. I worry that this experience is in some ways changing the way I am, but I am really having a hard time helping it.
Regina, I am so glad I came across this post because I can relate to it so much. I always feel like I can get along with anyone, and I figured I could get along with any random roommate they assigned me. Having a random roommate has proved to be one of the most challenging things I have had to deal with since being in college. My roommate rarely speaks to me and we have gone weeks without talking. I feel like I have put so much effort into making her feel comfortable and including her in my life, but she has told me that she just wants to be left alone. She said that she is normally a very shy person and that she only talks to kids that are in band with her.
Hearing her saying that she wants to be left alone makes me angry in the same way that you feel angry about your roommate leaving her shoes everywhere or listening to music that is annoying. I never in a million years thought I would hear someone say that they didn't want to be included in weekend/dinner plans. Having a random roommate is just one of those experiences that will give us many good stories to tell after we get out of college.
Regina, I am so glad I came across this post because I can relate to it so much. I always feel like I can get along with anyone, and I figured I could get along with any random roommate they assigned me. Having a random roommate has proved to be one of the most challenging things I have had to deal with since being in college. My roommate rarely speaks to me and we have gone weeks without talking. I feel like I have put so much effort into making her feel comfortable and including her in my life, but she has told me that she just wants to be left alone. She said that she is normally a very shy person and that she only talks to kids that are in band with her.
Hearing her saying that she wants to be left alone makes me angry in the same way that you feel angry about your roommate leaving her shoes everywhere or listening to music that is annoying. I never in a million years thought I would hear someone say that they didn't want to be included in weekend/dinner plans. Having a random roommate is just one of those experiences that will give us many good stories to tell after we get out of college.
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